Fitness for beginners

Fitness trends 2022
February 16, 2022
Is it hard to train with a PT?
March 1, 2022
Fitness trends 2022
February 16, 2022
Is it hard to train with a PT?
March 1, 2022

The biggest challenge will always be starting when it comes to a new physical activity.

DATE: February 2022
AUTHOR: Rui Madeira | Exercise

RM Trainer explores the importance of knowing what to do and how to do it in the first days of training, helping those who want to start in the practice of Fitness and who naturally may feel lost.

A first step in thinking about your beginner exercise routine is to be clear about how often you will exercise. It is recommended to start with three times a week. This frequency will allow you to have a full-body routine without the need to space your muscle groups and give them time to recover before your next session. You need 24 to 72 hours to adapt to a stimulus.

The ideal is to maintain this frequency for at least three months. After that period, you can start more complex fitness routines and start training muscle groups on different days.

Initially, each session should last between 40 and 80 minutes. It is recommended to train 1 hour on each of the 3 days of the week that you decide to exercise.

Then, the following question arises for many:

What is the best exercise routine to do at this early stage?

As it is a low frequency routine, it will be important to select the exercises well, taking advantage of the training that focuses on the largest muscle groups.

We can give as an example some functional pushing exercises to train mainly shoulders, chest and triceps. Here we can talk, for example, about push-ups and shoulder press.

Regarding pulling exercises, suitable for working the back, shoulders and biceps, we can give the example of rows, pulls, etc.

Exercises like the glute bridge and deadlift are recommended to focus on your hamstrings and glutes.

In the anterior region of the thighs we have the quadriceps which we can work through squats and lunges.

It is also recommended that you do not exclude your core muscles. Here, in an initial phase, planks will be recommended, improving your stability and later, moving on to the more traditional and specific abdominal and lumbar exercises.

Ideally, you should include at least one exercise for each muscle group each day.

How to progress over time?

The ideal way to increase the intensity of your training is progressive overload. That is, each day try a little more by cutting down on rest time, gradually increasing the weight, making the movements deeper, etc. In short, it's about giving your body a little more challenge with every workout.

To obtain the best results, whatever your goals, RM Trainer makes a series of recommendations, such as:

- Be patient and gradually increase the intensity;

- It is essential to accompany the new habit of exercising with other healthy habits;

- Take care of your food for faster and more effective results.

- Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meats, fish and carbs, whole grains if possible.

In addition, it is also essential that there is consistency, don't stop the routine! This also means respecting rest days for muscle recovery, sleeping a minimum of 7 hours a day, recovering fluids by hydrating and eating healthy.

If it seems like an impossible task with many difficult rules to follow, then hand the process over to a qualified professional who can guide, accompany and motivate you on the way to achieving your goals.

Now that it's started, there's no turning back. The only solution is to move on. Good training!