Burn more calories in less time

How to choose the best Personal Trainer?
February 21, 2023
4th RM Trainer Anniversary
4th RM Trainer Anniversary
May 10, 2023
How to choose the best Personal Trainer?
February 21, 2023
4th RM Trainer Anniversary
4th RM Trainer Anniversary
May 10, 2023

This article is intended to clarify those people who, in addition to always practicing the same routine in their workouts, spend hours and hours (a precious asset that we lack so much these days) doing cardio on their gym machines waiting to lose that fat that insists on not disappearing.

RM Trainer intends to show here that they can have much more effective results with much shorter workouts and where they will burn a lot more calories, not only in training, but also in the period after training.

DATE: April 2023
AUTHOR: Rui Madeira |Exercise

What are Calories?

Hudson R. says that calories are a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of energy stored in food and burned during physical activity or bodily functions. A calorie is specifically defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

When we consume food, our bodies break it down into various nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These nutrients are then metabolized by the body to produce energy, which is measured in calories.

The number of calories in a food or drink is determined by the amount of energy that is released when it is metabolized.

The number of calories a person needs depends on many factors such as age, gender, weight, height and activity level. Generally speaking, a calorie is considered a measure of the amount of energy required to maintain normal body function and activity level. 


How important is weight training?

This type of workout can be an effective way to burn calories and promote weight loss. When you lift weights, you are engaging in a form of resistance exercise that requires your muscles to work harder than they do during everyday activities.

When lifting weights, your muscles are working hard to move the weight, which requires energy. This energy is provided by the body's stored fuel sources, including glucose and fat. As your muscles use these fuel sources, they burn calories in the process.

Weight training will also have a long-term effect on your metabolism. When you build muscle through this type of training, you increase your body's muscle mass, which in turn increases your resting metabolic rate. This means that even at rest, your body burns more calories than it would if you had less muscle mass.In addition, lifting weights can lead to the afterburn effect, also known as excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

This will refer to the increased calorie burn that occurs after a workout as your body works to repair muscle tissue and regain its pre-exercise state. The afterburn effect can last for hours or even days after a weightlifting session, resulting in increased calorie burn even when you're not training.

Overall, strength training with weights can be a highly effective way to burn calories and promote weight loss, both during and after your workout. 


What are the best exercises to use, compound or isolated?

There are two types of strength training exercises that target different muscle groups and movement patterns.

Compound exercises refer to multi-joint movements that involve multiple muscle groups at once. These exercises usually involve movements that mimic everyday activities or movements specific to some disciplines, such as squats, deadlifts, burpees... Compound exercises require coordination and stability and can help improve overall strength and power.

Isolated exercises, on the other hand, target a specific muscle group or joint and involve only one joint movement. These exercises usually involve machines or free weights and are used to target specific muscles such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, leg curls... These exercises can be used to improve muscle imbalances, target weak areas or build muscle size.

So, the main difference between compound and isolation exercises, is the number of muscle groups and joints involved in the movement. Both compound and isolation exercises can be effective in building strength and muscle mass, and a complete strength training program should include a mix of both types of exercises.


So what is the most effective type of workout to burn fat?

From the RM Trainer experience, we point to circuit training! Circuit training can be an effective way to promote fat loss as it combines resistance and aerobic training, leading to greater calorie burning and increased muscle mass. During a circuit workout, participants go through a series of exercises with little or no rest in between, targeting different muscle groups and energy systems.

This type of training demands a lot from the body, leading to an increase in heart rate and oxygen consumption, which can result in significant calorie burning. Additionally, circuit training can increase muscle mass and metabolic rate, which in turn can lead to greater calorie burn even at rest. Resistance exercises in circuit training can help build lean muscle mass, which requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue. This means that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn, even when you're not active.

Another benefit is that it can be a time-efficient workout, allowing you to complete a full-body workout in a short amount of time. This can be especially beneficial for people with busy schedules (after all, the vast majority) who may not have time for longer, more traditional workouts.

This is the type of training most used by RM Trainer with clients who want a high rate of fat burning and muscle mass gains.

Come and discover our metabolic workouts and feel like never before!

And you, are you one of those people who spend hours on the cardio machines at the gym and don't know why you don't get results? Maybe you should change something...