4 Running mistakes

Be fit for summer
May 19, 2021
New website image
June 1, 2021
Be fit for summer
May 19, 2021
New website image
June 1, 2021

In these last years, there has been a clear massification of the running, with more and more people adhering to this type of physical activity.

DATE: May 2021
AUTHOR: Rui Madeira | Exercise

However, RM Trainer warns of some errors that may exist, so that this practice does not become a negative experience with the possible occurrence of injuries, namely traumatic ones, especially for those who are just beginning.

Here are 4 of the errors that seem to occur most often:

1 - We often compare ourselves with others. We must not do this, as each person will have a different development process and we must always respect what our bodies tell us and not want to replicate what others do, as they are often at very different levels;

2 - Do not vary the running location. It will be good to try to vary the running floors and not opt for very hard floors. It will cause a different stimulus and this differentiation can lead to gains in terms of muscle and joint integrity;

3- Want to evolve very quickly. This error is slightly confused with the first, but it is more specific for the number of kilometers traveled, follow a gradual and slow evolution to optimize all your gains. Give time to time;

4- Just run. Although running is an excellent way to increase your cardiovascular endurance, combining different types of training will be a prudent choice that will make you a better runner for future challenges. By variation we mean to perform a strength training and also to vary the resistance training, such as riding a bicycle or swimming. To have a better idea of what you can do in this type of training, you should consult a professional specialized in the area.

These are some tips that can avoid possible injuries or limitations to your progression.

Respect your body, each one has his physical condition and it is perfectly normal that in this phase of initiation you may have greater difficulties. All of this is part of the process, which should be minimally oriented.

Happy running!