What’s the commitment?

How are the workouts?
March 22, 2022
Where will the sessions be?
April 6, 2022
How are the workouts?
March 22, 2022
Where will the sessions be?
April 6, 2022

This week we share this issue with you, which has to do with the degree of commitment in this process between PT and the client.

DATE: March 2022
AUTHOR: Rui Madeira | Others

Often, during the initial meeting, the potential client reveals some concern and fear of not having the necessary discipline to fully commit to the personal follow-up process. It is perfectly normal that you may feel this fear because, if you already had this discipline, you would probably not seek help in this regard.

For RM Trainer, the main concern is to obtain results from the client and this can only be achieved if there is total involvement on the part, not only of PT but also of the other party involved!

However, this requires a degree of commitment of various types, such as, for example:

- Have the necessary discipline not to miss training

Trainings are scheduled in advance, by mutual agreement, depending on the availability of both. Any session, if any, must be canceled at least in advance (agreed between both parties) and for a strong reason that in fact makes it impossible for the client to attend.

The results depend a lot on the continuity in the training process, so you have to try to ensure that regularity as much as possible.

- Do your part

Here, we talk about various aspects such as the adopted lifestyle, food, homework, etc. It will be essential to realize that the process will only work if both parties fulfill their task. So, there has to be discipline during all periods when the PT is not present.

- Share behaviors

When this discipline is broken, it will be essential that this is shared with the PT as we are part of the same team and only together will we achieve the proposed goals.

- Being able to respect the budget

First of all, here at RM Trainer there is no loyalty! Our commitment will last as long as you feel comfortable and satisfied with us. Until then, our mission is to make you as autonomous as possible, so that you can continue to train correctly and safely on your own in the future.

Any budget issue will be previously agreed between both, so that you can better meet your needs.

In short, at RM Trainer we focus on solutions and not problems.

You will feel that it is a remarkable experience and with all the sense! After all, what do you have to lose?

SECURE YOUR SPOT NOW: https://rm-trainer.pt/en/contact/

It will be worth it!